Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics

Skin Tag Removal San Antonio, TX

Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are common skin growths where small pieces of tissue hang off the skin by a short, narrow stalk. Generally, skin tags are harmless and painless but they can become irritated if they are rubbed against jewelry, bedding, or clothing. At Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics, we may use laser or freezing treatments to remove unwanted tags.

Why Remove Them

  • Removing a skin tag from the face or under arms can make shaving easier.
  • They are often cosmetically bothersome, particularly if located in an obvious location like the face or neck.
  • 30 min procedure time
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Lifetime results
  • $150 per tag

What To Expect

  1. Your medical provider will remove the skin tag using a laser or freezing solution.
  2. If the tag is small enough, you’ll feel no more than a pinprick. If the tag is larger, a topical numbing cream is used to ensure your comfort.
  3. Depending on the removal method used, there may be redness at the procedure area. This will subside within a few days.
  4. For our cryotherapy removal method, the tag will fall off 2-3 weeks following the procedure.
Skin Tag Removal San Antonio - After PhotoSkin Tag Removal San Antonio - Before Photo

Treatment Areas

Skin Tags Removal Groin


Skin Tag Removal San Antonio TX - Under the breasts

Under the Breasts

Aesthetic Med Spa San Antonio Buttock Treatments


Skin Tag Removal San Antonio - Underarms


Upper Chest Skin Tags Removal San Antonio

Upper Chest

Botox Dysport San Antonio TX for Crow's Feet


Aesthetic Med Spa San Antonio Buttock Treatments


Botox Dysport San Antonio TX for Crow's Feet


About Skin Tag Removal San Antonio

Tiny to floppy, usually flesh-colored, and often pesky – skin tags are very common. You may notice a singular skin tag or small groups growing around areas of the neck, groin, armpits, or chest. When rubbed against clothing, they can become inflamed and bleed if excessively irritated. At Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics, we are happy to remove skin tags as a cosmetic visit or as an add-on to another appointment you have booked.

Cherry Angioma San Antonio, TX

Red moles, or cherry angiomas, are common skin growths that can develop on most areas of your body. The collection of small blood vessels inside a cherry angioma give them their reddish, “cherry” colored appearance. In most cases, they are pin-head sized bumps that lay flat against the skin and are harmless to your overall health. Angiomas commonly appear after age 30 and can be easily removed if you don’t like how they look.