Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics

Kybella Treatment San Antonio | Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics

Kybella Treatment

Say goodbye to submental fullness and hello to a defined jawline and boosted confidence with our Kybella treatment. Offered at Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics, Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable that targets and eliminates excess submental fat, effectively reducing the appearance of a double chin. With Kybella®, you can achieve a slimmer chin profile without the need for surgical procedures like liposuction. Discover the benefits of this treatment to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for these injections.

Why It's Special

  • It was created specifically to treat submental fullness.
  • Lower risk of adverse reaction compared to liposuction.
  • Treatment results in a leaner, more youthful appearance.
  • 30 min procedure time
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Lifetime results duration
  • 1,000+

What To Expect

  1. We will apply a topical numbing cream to make sure you’re comfortable for your treatment. Ice packs and other cooling techniques may also be provided.
  2. It’s common for the injection site to be swollen, red, or bruised immediately after the procedure. This is temporary and will subside within 4-5 days.
  3. Results happen gradually. Within 4-6 weeks you’ll notice changes in your appearance.
Kybella Treatment San Antonio After PhotoKybella Treatment San Antonio Before Photo

About Kybella Treatment San Antonio, TX

Kybella® is an injectable treatment to improve the profile appearance by eliminating moderate to severe fat below the chin, also known as submental fat, or more commonly – “double chin.” The active ingredient in Kybella® is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella® destroys fat cells resulting in fullness reduction. Ideal patients desire a slimmer profile without invasive surgery. Kybella® causes no injury to skin and surrounding tissue making it a safe and gentle solution to chin fat. Once your body has flushed out all the dead fat cells, your new facial contour will emerge and results are permanent. Call Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics today to book a consult, we’d love to answer any questions you may have!

Kybella Before & After Photos

Kybella before and after photos reveal its effectiveness in removing submental chin fat.