Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics

Full Body Skin Exam San Antonio, TX

Full Body Skin Exam

At Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics, we take the necessary care to keep skin in its healthiest state by being proactive to ensure your well-being. Early detection is key for the most minimal and cost-effective treatments with the highest rate of success. Full-body exams are essential in preventing and addressing possible skin concerns, such as melanoma. Our screenings assess and monitor the epidermis for any changes or abnormalities with the potential to lead to skin cancer. We gladly accept various insurance plans to make our services accessible and convenient to you.

Why It's Special

  • Developing skin cancer often goes unnoticed because there are no obvious symptoms.
  • Unchecked skin cancer can grow into more severe and dangerous types of cancer.
  • Almost all skin cancers are curable if caught early.
  • 30 mins procedure time
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • 1 year results duration
  • 100+

What To Expect

  1. Before the exam begins, you’ll remove your clothes and put on a medical gown.
  2. During the exam, your medical provider will check over each portion of your skin from head-to-toe; making notes of moles, growths, or birthmarks.
  3. If there’s a growth that appears abnormal, she may recommend removal of the lesion.
  4. Body exams are relatively short ranging anywhere from 10-20 minutes.
  5. This exam is recommended annually.
Full Body Skin Exam

We recommend a self-examination of your skin every month so you can find any unusual growths.

Skin Exam For Cancer

The best time to do a self-exam is after a shower when you are fully unclothed with clean skin.

Annual Self-Exam

Check your entire body, including in between your fingers, toes, and around your hairline.

Full Body Skin Exam San Antonio TX

Make note of abnormalities and discuss any concerns with your medical provider during your next visit.

About Full Body Skin Exam San Antonio, TX

At Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics, our medically licensed professionals prioritize your skin health. Your provider will examine your entire body for irregular moles, warts, dry patches, skin tags, and rashes. During your exam we will check the difficult to reach areas of your body that cannot be self-monitored such as behind your ears and your scalp. If areas of concern are present, your provider may biopsy one or more suspicious spots. This usually means removing part, or all, of the lesion and sending it to a lab for analysis. If the report comes back cancerous, your provider will contact you and explain the type of skin cancer and next steps for treatment.